Request a Sample

We will be glad to send you a sample holiday card for your review at no charge. Please note that all images on our website and cards are copyright by the publisher and cannot be reproduced without their express written approval.

An eye catching engraved holiday card on Ecru paper with a Juniper sprig tied in a brushed silver bow will make an elegant holiday card this year for your company or firm.  Personalize the inside of this company with your holiday message and company name.
Card Name Juniper Sprig Holiday Card
Card Number CX30285
Name *
Title *
Company Name
Company Address *
City, State, ZIP * ,
Telephone *
E-mail Address * Privacy Policy
Estimated number of cards I will order this year *

Privacy Policy

What information do we collect and how do we use it?

When you contact us to place a card order or request a free sample card by mail, we need to know your name, title, organization, mailing address, work phone and email address. This allows us to process and fulfill your order and to notify you of your order status.

Will we disclose the information we collect to outside parties?

Artline Greetings will not share any of your personal information with any third party except as necessary to print your cards.

Notice of Changes to this Privacy Policy

If we change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page.